Sunday, December 20, 2009


Here are some tried and true tips picked from newspaper that may help us to improve our sleep quality….

1. Spray lavender on our pillow before going to bed- cuz this will help relax you and allow to fall asleep more quickly

2. Wake up at the same time every day- even day’s off or when you don’t work. This keeps your internal clock on track.

3. Spend an hour before bed doing relaxing activities such as reading, meditating, gratitude, guided imagery, centering yourself, relaxing music or some quiet time.

4. Let go, don’t go to bed thinking of the list of things to do the next day. We need to create peaceful mind.

5. Seriously work on managing your time, being more organized, simplifying your life. Stress is detrimental to getting good quality sleep.

6. Don’t work late or close to the time you will be going to bed.

7. Make your bedroom a zone that promotes sleep, make it comfortable and inviting, eliminate as much light as possible.

8. Don’t eat a heavy meal at least three hours or less before your bedtime, the digestive process with heavy meals will likely keep you awake.

9. Buy a new mattress. Its amazing how many people are sleeping on poor mattresses. It’s the one thing that you use for so many hours every day and which can seriously impact your health and well being.

10. If you don’t fall asleep within 20 mins of going to bed, go into another room and do something else until you feel drowsy.

P/S : No harmful to give ourselves a try if one of you have been experienced insomnia before.. Wish that everybody could have a sweet sleep including me after adopted the methods above…^^

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Importance of English.... Life feels great by learning english...^^

English, one of the languages we have and must get ourselves mastered with it…
What I’ve believed now is, If we were failed to practice well with this language in nowadays world…
There’s no doubt that we can’t move ourselves further, communicate and interact with people at each corners in the world. We only can take up with people which are same level with us…
We can’t even social with English educated people and those Mat Salleh..
It’s pretty sad if our nations can’t get themselves step onto the world’s podium because of having difficulties in speaking English. If we are good in English, we could enjoy a lot of benefits brought by it. Few benefits I have figured out if we were able to practice good English.

1. Could have faith in ourselves when communicating with others by English.
2. We can take up with Mat Salleh or English Educated people in our daily life.
3. Could have multiple choices in getting a gf..either English educated girls or non-english educated.
4. …….
5. ……

A story gonna to share out here…
Once upon a time, I was being commented by somebody saying that : “ Do you think you can speak a fluent English right now for urself ?? “ …. “ I answered YES..WHY NOT?? “ … but actually, I was wrong..I’m still weak in English and still can’t speak a good English at that time..

Maybe due to that incident, cuz it was hurted me deeply when got this kind of comment from a people which I always care about and one of the important people in my life.. Started from that time, I have told’s a must for ME to further improve my English.. I wanna prove that I can be excellence in speaking a good and fluent english…. I wanted to be an excellence people…can SPEAK WELL. WRITE WELL and KNOW WELL in English..

Here, I feel thankful to those people who had encouraged me and taught me the way of improving my English level.. It’s very useful for me… because I have improved my English after adopted the methods…I will keep on practicing in my daily life until the end.. Thanks a lot…truly appreciate those who had helped me before..^^

Continuing my learning journey with my favourite newspaper, NEW STRAITS TIMES; ENGLISH MOVIES, ENGLISH SONGS…and take up more with those english etc ppl…

P/S : Only will success if we DRIVE OUT FEAR, DARE TO SPEAK, DARE TO TRY…

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Girl's SECRET....

When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind...

When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply.

When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering
long you will be around.

When a GIRL answers ' I'm fine ' after a few seconds...
she is not at all
When a GIRL stares at you she is wondering why you are lying.

When a GIRL lays on your chest .. she is wishing for you to be hers forever

When a GIRL wants to see you everyday.... she wants to be pampered.

When a GIRL says ' I love you ' .. she means it.

When a GIRL says ' I miss you ' ....
no one in this world can miss you more than that.

P/S: be patient enough if take up with gf..appreciate what you have..^^

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Week 9...

Its UNBELIEVABLE… Im already in the week 9.. and five more weeks to goes I’m going to sit for my final.. Sighh..but currently still have 3 assignments, 2 mid-term tests, FYP…mountain of stuffs were queuing up to be settled down. I’m wonder why already final sem , students still need to do so many things before going graduate?? Cant we just enjoy the final sem with lecturers, buddies, and classmates as well..because sooner we will going to split over and heading to own journey..cant always meet up and chit chatting, sharing out the joy we have and fooling around…ToT..

Today,during one of the lecturer’s class..unexpected things happened..
He was pissed off and scolded all of us because we have gave him a rubbish lab reports..ToT.. He has warned us..better don’t do that again.. He wants a QUALITY WORK from all of us..not GABBAGE…
I was not really listened to what he said because at that moment I was suffered with my running nose..SO SHIT.... torturing me..I HATE flu.. :{

“NO POINT FOR ME TO LET YOU ALL GRADUATE IF KEEP GIVING ME RUBBISH…..” OMG.. really have to be so serious man?? I was get shocked when this sentence came into my ears.. Izzit we really produced out rubbish or HE’s too perfectionist??

For me, its ok..because it may be good for me if I get forced and being under pressure.. I still perform the things I suppose to do..continue it with my commitments..XD..

One thing have to keep remind myself..must BEARING THIS IN MIND..I NEED TO WORK HARD..DONT GIVE UP EASILY..IF WANNA GO UK NEXT YEAR..YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT YOU SUPPOSE TO DO NOW…. My DETERMINATION..pls continue your duty to keep pushing me towards the days Im going to have..BEAT DOWN hard times.. Yeah….^^

World current issue... Pls be aware..

Crisis caused by 4 degrees celcius

Global warming is getting serious in nowadays.. I’ve read an article from newspaper yesterday..The article has warned if we keep on burning charcoal, our temperature on the earth will become frigging hot. I was kinda sad when getting to this news. From the article, scientists estimate that in year 2070 the average temperature on the earth will increase by 4 degrees celcius. It will getting worst if human do not reduce their burning activities, as a results, this phenomena will be shorten up to 2060.. If we still do not stop it or prevent it earlier, all living organism will encounter a huge disasters brought by this 4 degrees celcius. During that moment, the temperature in West Africa, South Africa will increase 10 degrees celcius more. The worst thing is when the end of the day is coming around, the temperature in North Pole will be raising up to over 15 degrees celcius..

Hence, we are reminded not to looking down at this small increment of the temperature because it may cause us a tremendous of natural disasters. Therefore, I felt that it’s necessary for us to be cautious and alert that our living planet is going to destroys if we still act like before, lack of awareness on this issue.. All the countries in the world are compulsory to involve themselves in how to protect the earth by reducing the emission of the gas produced by the burning of charcoal. National Climate Data Center, NCDC which located in America will keep on updating the data they obtained every month.

The following methods we could try to apply and it could be help to reduce the emission of gas from burning charcoal :

1. plant more trees
2. try to have car pool, using public transport or ride a bike if possible
3. switch off all electrical appliances when not in use or unplug them
4. use the bulb which has the function of energy saving
5. try not to use air-cond and reduce times for opening a fringe
6. implement recycle

We could save our lives if we save the earth…..